Poly-HRP PLUS IHC probe (universal)

Universal Poly-HRP IHC probe is an improvised biotin-free polymerization technology to prepare super sensitive polymeric peroxidase linked conjugates; specifically designed for visualization of mouse or rabbit primary antibodies on human tissue. The reagent utilizes a novel controlled and compact enzyme polymerization technology to achieve higher sensitivity without background. The labeled polymer does not contain avidin or biotin, thus, non-specific staining caused by endogenous biotin is completely eliminated.

Universal Poly-HRP IHCprobe PLUS provides two step detection protocol, the primary antibody specific to an antigen on the tissue section is determine by an amplifier then followed by polymer detector. The tissue sample can be paraffin-embedded tissue section, frozen sections and cell preparations.

Cross Reactivity: Minimal cross reactivity with human serum proteins.

Two-step IHC detection of frozen/paraffin embedded tissues coated with Mouse/Rabbit primary antibody
Catalog No.56480002
Unit Size 6mL / 15mL
Product CategoryImmuno Detection
Storage/Stability 2 ~ 8°C / 1 year

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