Plant Urea Content Assay kit

Breeding legume varieties with high nitrogen fixation activity is an effective way to improve the nitrogen fixation ability of legumes. The initial output of nitrogen fixation by legume rhizobia The main substances are ureides (alantoin and allantoic acid). Urea is the nitrogen metabolite in the symbiotic nitrogen fixation of leguminous plant, and it is the main nitrogen storage and transportation.

It plays an important role in nitrogen metabolism of legumes. The nitrogen fixation ability can be evaluated by measuring the content of urea in legume tissues. Allantoin is hydrolyzed under peracid or alkaline conditions to produce glyoxylic acid, and then under phenylhydrazine and strong acid conditions, it can be oxidized to form a red complex. There is a special absorption peak at 535nm, based on which the content of urea in the sample can be calculated from the absorbance value.
Catalog No.251437
Unit Size 50 Assays / 100 Assays
Product CategoryPlant / Soil Assay
Detection Method Visible spectrophotometry
Storage/Stability -20°C/1 year
Shipping Gel Packs

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