Plant Anthocyanin Content Assay kit

Anthocyanins are edible natural pigments that are easily soluble in solvents such as water. Anthocyanins make plants show colorful colors, and they have a variety of health effects. Therefore, it has broad application prospects in natural food coloring, health care products and pharmaceutical industries. According to the structural properties of anthocyanins at different pH, the anthocyanin content is determined. When the pH is 1, the anthocyanin has a maximum absorption peak at 530nm, and when the pH is 4.5.

When the anthocyanin is converted into a colorless chalcone form, there is no absorption peak at 530nm. The sample is calculated by measuring the absorbance values at 530nm and 700nm at different pH.
Catalog No.251138
Unit Size 50 Assays / 100 Assays
Product CategoryPlant / Soil Assay
Detection Method Visible spectrophotometry
Storage/Stability 2-8°C/1 year
Shipping Gel Packs

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