2x Taq Polymerase Master Mix

2x Taq Polymerase Master Mix is a ready-to-use 2x premix containing all components required for PCR amplification except template DNA and primers. Users can quickly prepare reaction systems by adding template DNA, primers, and ddH2O to the master mix, greatly reducing hands-on time and the risk of experimental failure. The specially optimized buffer system ensures high amplification efficiency and premix stability for Taq DNA polymerase, even after multiple freeze-thaw cycles.

Dye-containing master mix, is also available, which allows PCR products to be loaded directly after amplification for electrophoretic analysis, making experiments much easier.
Catalog No.510011
Unit Size 1mL
Product CategoryPCR / qPCR / RT-PCR
Storage/Stability -20°C/1 year
Shipping Gel Packs

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